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Business Meeting
"The Art of communication is the language of Leadership"

Communication is a two-way process. It is confined to imparting in speaking, writing or using some other medium. A deeper level of it also requires a person to open, talk about certain things and being able to
express the thoughts in an appropriate manner.

Core Members 

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Ritika Guglani

My name is Ritika Guglani , pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering. I believe my strength lies in oration and communication. I love interacting with people and gaining knowledge from them. As an individual, I continuously motivate myself towards personality development and aspire to bring happiness in everyone’s lives.

My name is Aditya Kumar, 2nd year, CSE branch. I am co-editor of our first E-Magazine named 'UDBHAV' and also the Vice-President of The Technical Language Society. I believe my strength lies in my positive attitude, and I like to take up challenges and accept both success and failure in a balanced way to move forward. I am also quite motivated towards learning about various cultures.

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Vice President
Aditya Kumar


Gargi Kalra
Ayush Garg

The objective of this club is to provide a platform to students to prepare for their interview
rounds and enhance their communication skills so that they have a positive personality.

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